Salam Alikom..
My Aunt (5alty) passed away on wednesday morning..she lived in iran my homwtown called (ewav or evaz or awaz or avas..I miss that place...) The last time I saw her was about a year and a half ago..But el7amde Allah I talked to her in this Aid..I Could barely hear her voice, she was tired i think..she said she wanted to come to Dubai..the last time she came..she slept in my room..over the phone in this eid..I told her..come to Dubai..we miss you
She was one of the most patient and positive persons I have ever known..I miss her : ) : (
Mom says she won't beleive she is gone until she travels to iran on sunday
الله يرحمها برحمته الواسعة ويجعل قبرها روضة من رياض الجنة ويغفر لها ويجعمنا فيها في الفردوس الأعلى من الجنة...اللهم آمييين
her name is..Fatma Gul=Fatma Warda in iranian..such a BeauTiful name..such a BeauTiful person..اللهم ارحمها وارحمنا برحمتك الواسعة يا ذا الجلال والإكرام
I keep many things..many feelings..many pain to my self...