I Believe that in this world, we all strive to offer something valuable to others, to our community and most importantly to be recognized and accepted..
Can u imagine living in the world with all the money u ever dreamed of..all the fun..all the ferrary..sport cars..all the ice cream..books..things u love..but the only problem is that ur a lone? Or u have no friends to share all the fun with?
sharing secrets..thoughts..sad and fun moments..with a friend..this intellectual and emotional interaction is overwhelming... do u really want to miss that?
sometimes..i find my self..isolating from other people..even my friends..i suddenly feel I don’t want to hear any ones voice..or hear about any ones journey..
well..perhaps because at that specific moment..(ATTENTION: REVEALING A SECRET…)I had a moment of truth..a moment of honestly..simply means that I realized who I am..my mistakes and that I am not satisfied with my self lately and this feeling of dissatisfaction leaves me with shock and disappointment… until I regain my strength and faith in my self and continue the journey… : )
returning to the accepting part..it says in this book that I am reading..that even Hitler used to take (a group of people who supported him) everywhere u went..
So it doesn’t mater if ur succeccfull..famous..happy or poor..we all need to feel accepted..to feel we belong to a group..
Think about gangsters... and teenagers who r willing to do any thing to be accepted in these groups..
And I love this phrase in the book where it says:
(We are all prisoners of self-hunger, and once we feed our soul with love, respect, Appreciation and acceptance, it is then that we can offer and direct our love , attention and care to something or someone else)
simply like they advise a mother to love..and accept her self so she can be able to offer this love to her children ..because if she is not happy..how can she offer any to her children…!!