
~&~ What MakeS You HapPY...?! ~&~

صدفات من بحر الممزر..حلويييييين صح؟شوفو سبحان الخالق روعة خلقه والتفاصيل والألوااان ..روعـــــــــــــــــــــــــــة..يا الله ما أجمل خلقك ^__________^

هل الصورة هدية من بنت خالتي العزيزة الي أحبها كثييير ^___^ الله يسعدها دنيا وآخرة اللهم آميييين

وهذا ماما اشترته وكنت باخذه أحطه في غرفتي..قام حموودي ابن أخوي قال يباااه... ووقلت لا لا وبعدين آخر شي رضيت أعطييه ههههههههههههه ^_____^ أحيانا أحس إني صغيرة أتخانق مع الاطفاال عشان صورة :D

أعتقد صورة وردة دوار الشمس هي خذتها قرب حديقة الحيوانات في جميرا

I have a Question..and i want you to answer me honestly..think about it and be true to ur self..

What Makes You HapPY?

In general..what gives u HapPineSs..?

i asked a dear someone..and she said:
Peacfulness..............! Interesting right?!!! but not enough for me :D i asked her..what gived you the sense of peacfulness?
she said..her little Sweet KatKoooTy SoN gives her peacfulness..masha Allah..الله يخليهم لبعض ويسعدهم اللهم آميييين

i did not expect that..!!
I said..how does your son give u peacfullness..she said:

when he smiles
when he hugs me
when he says mama 7abebty
when he kisses me
masha Allah..tabark Allah..isnt that just SOOooooooo SweeeeeeeeeeT? Yaaaay ^_____^
i was thinking about this question today..and this is what i think:

i guess i am HapPy mostly when i am satisfied with where i am..with whom i am..with what i have done so far in my personal and social life..in simple words..

When i look back before 5 years ago and i look at my self now and see how much I have grown in terms of my faith, manners and knowledge..if i see a positive change..that gives me happineSs and a sense of satisfaction..but if i feel i have not changed or became worse..i feel a Big..HuGe..sense of DisapPointmenT

so i am HapPY when:
1. First, i am satisfied and contented with my self (Spirtually and Emotionally)
2. Second, when i contribute in helping, doing or offering something useful for someone or for People
by the way..yesterday i was thinking about the meaning or definition of haPpinEsS and i also asked my friends..this is what we think
HapPineSs is a sense of PeacfulnesS and ContentmenT within that is reflected by ones strength of Faith ^_^
يعني باختصار رضا وسلام وراحة داخلية ومنبعها حب الله سبحانه وتعالى وقوة الإيمان

so..ask your self..and if u wanna share it with me..i would be HapPPy and CuriouS to know what goes through ur Brain CelLSs :D

What Makes You HapPyY?
and what does HapPinEss Mean in your dictionarY?

سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم
أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له, له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير


~&~ Real LiFe...and My DaD`s Story ~&~

?عفكرة هل الوردةأشوفها حلوة لولاحظتو في كل قسم كأنه مكتوب الله بس بدون حرف الهاء وكأنه حد رافع ايده يدعي حلو صح : )عوض مدينتي ^___^هي رسمة من موقع ايراني..هذا نسميه بركه (بكسر الباء وسكون الراء وفتح الكاف يتجمع فيها ماي المطر أعتقد ومنتشرة في مدينتي عوض ^____^أحب البركه

Salam Alikom ya 7elweeeeN

sometimes i hate it when my mood affects the people around me
i get streSssEd..i get angry and upset and i act rude with myFamily and Friends..sometimes i don't mean it..sometimes i do..but it isn't an excuse..any ways..i hope they understand and forgive my mood Swings ^_^ cuz sometimes it is not personal..i am not angry at them..but i pore the water on them

ok..so before few days..i went to the hospital again..i went to a patient "M"..he was from Pakistan..a good man he seemed..i was asking about his diet..then i reached the question about streSs and depression..he said..yes he is very depresSed..i don't remember the exact conversation..but we were talking about how Reading Al-Quran Al Kareem helps..he said yes it helps but he still has depression..suddenly..i noticed he go a lump in his throat --->this phrase reminds me of my Cute Lil Friend TwEeety..so i said..don't worry..things will be better ensha Allah..i hope u get better

then i went to write down some information from his file and i heard him crying with a very low..voice..i did not look..maybe i was afraid to handle the situation..maybe i felt i will make him cry more and i dunno what to do then? i am weak in these situations :D

then i told him..every thing happens for a reason..don't worry..he said pray for me..God bless you..i said thank you for your time..i will pray for you and i did..i think so far..he is one of the most patients who touched my HEART along with another 19 years old boy who was left by his family in the hospital for more than 10 years i think : (

i felt "M" needed some confortbling words..i hope he gets better..ensha Allah.. : )
any ways..
once my dad told me a story

he said that when his father (MyGrandFather) ..Allah yer7amah.. was alive..in Iran..he was holding a small wooden design or something..i think..i don't remember what and he asked one of the kids about what he thought about that peice of art..my father said that he got angry..my father told my granfather..
then my gradfather told him " well, fist of all..every person has a different prespective and the child may tell me something i couldn't see before and secondly, he is a child and when i ask him about his opinion..i am helping in building his eprsonality..i am giving him status..he will feel he is important and so on...
when dad told me this story..i really liked it..it taught me alot about being modest..asking people..treating people right and giving the children the opportunity to be responsibile and grown ups and hearing them
these days i feel alright el7amdu Allah..just HOpPinG for some ThingS to be Clearer and Better for me ensha Allah ^_______________^
Seeee yoooou.. ;) and if u have any stories tO share..LeT tme know : )
سبحان الله وبحمده عدد خلقه ورضا نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته ^_____^ ابتسموووووووووووووا : )


~&~ Talk To Me..~&~

Let me tell you a secret :D it is not easy to share ur inner fears with everyone but sometimes it is good talking about it

in general, i love interacting with different people from different cultures, ages, religons..it is exciting What and How others think and how we can INFLUENCE others and be influenced by few words..
but sometimes i fear to talk to strangers..maybe because i think they might reject me..or don't have time ..or get embarssed for some reason..many writers say:

" Most of our actions are derived from the emotion of FEAR"
we fear to get embarssed..so we avoid social events..

we fear from failure..so we stop taking risk..
we fear from losing the lvoed ones..so we dis-attach our selves from the people around us
we fear to lsoe someone..so we attach to them soo much..more thanwe should..and so on..
so, FEAR can make us Take an action or Stop an action

Do you beleive so? Let me know...

any ways..back to my story

i am wroking on my graduation research paper..which is causing me soooooo much StreSs..my topic is "Chronic Kidney Disease" and i am carrying out a survey to see whether the patients are able to make diet changes because of their illnesses or they are finding it hard to follow a healthy diet

So i went to one of the governmental hospitals today to talk to some patients..
This is what happened:
i saw an old lady on a wheel-chair..there was a ray of strong personality coming out from her eyes masha Allah..a strong Faith in Allah and tawakol..impreSsiVe!! and BeauTiful ^__^
she said ..every time the doctors change and everyone tells her something..she said she does not trust the doctors..she only trust Allah..she kept talking for a long time and i think she noticed i am in a hurry and she said sorry for talking too much..something like that
I told her..i will mention ur words in my prsentation..her words swam into my heart.soo Smooth..touched my HearT soo gently : )
any ways..guesS what?

then i went to another lady wearing Burqa..she said she was not a Kidney disease patient but she told me something...
she said that there was another women..an old lady on the wheel chair who said :
"why did she (me) not talk to me?"
Oh My God..isn't that just Beautiful? old people? they are sooo adorable something..koooooootchy kooochy= soooooo cute in my own words :D
i went to the SweeT old lady ..there was a ray of kidness in her eyes..maybe also sadness but innocence as well..i asked her..who she came with..and guess what?

with the DRIVER and the MAID?..isn't that Sooo sad? how can they send a lovely women like her..an old lady.. alone..
there was faith in her words floating in the air..too..as i remember
i noticed she wansn't who i was looking for in my survey but i asked her few questions about her and her diet to make her feel cared and I think i said..
"الله يديم عليج الصحة والعافية"

Things like that..now when i am talking about her..i wish i spent more time with her 0_0 ye7leelha..: (

It was a nice experience..giving and taking..giving nice words of hope and du2aa and recieving smily faces and du2aa as well ^___^
Talk to others..there are many people who are rerely heard and their heart and mind is empty emotionally and full, of loneliness and lack of attenion
sometimes when i see our university security..i try to smile..say hello and sometimes to ask about how they are or where exactly they are from..small things like this can spice their life..don't forget that they are away from heir family..home..beautiful places..
Sometimes we have to forget about our selfishness and try to be Givers..

Give Attention and you will Recieve Attention Ensha Allah : )

Trust me..even when ur sad or don't feel like giving Sweet words or help for others..helping or tlaking to others..even if strangers..can make u feel better..Try It..It Feel GooD ^____^