
^________^ ابـــتســــمـــــ...Smile ^______^

الإبتسامة أجمل هدية ^__________^

Got This E-mail At Work..LoVed it..and wanted to share it With You..
EnjOoy ; )
اللهمّ مالِكَ المُلك
تؤتِي المُلكَ من تشاء
وتنزعُ المُلك مِمّن تشاء
وتُعِزّ من تشاء وتُذِلّ من تشاء

بيدك الخير إنك على كلّ شئ قدير
رحمان الدنيا والآخرة
تُعطيهُما من تشاءُ وتَمنعُ مِنهُما مَن تشاءْ
ارحمني رَحمة ً تُغنيني بها عن رَحمةِ مَن سِواك
عندما تستيقظ من النوم ابتسم واشكر الله على نعمة البقاء
فلديك يوم في رصيد حياتك لتقضيه في طاعة الرحمن

عندما ترى والديك أمامك ابتسم
فهناك الكثير الذين انحرموا من نعمة الوالدين
عندما تتوجه إلى العمل
ابتسم فالبعض لا يعمل
عندما تتذكر بعض الضغوطات التي مررت بها
ابتسم لأنها مضت ولن تحدث مجددا إن شاء الرحمن
عندما تمر بموقف صعب..

ابتسم لأنك تملك رباً عظيما تستطيع اللجوء إليه في أي وقت
(( قال تعالآ: ألا بذكر الله تطمئن القلوب))
عندما تفشل في تجربة معينة
ابتسم فقد يكفيك شرف المحاولة ‏
عندما يجرحك شخص عزيزا عليك
ابتسم فهناك العديد من الأشخاص من يحاول يداوي جروحك

عندما يظلمك من حولك
ابتسم لأنك لم تظلم أحدا يوما
عندما تعرف إن فلانا من الناس لا يحبك
ابتسم فهناك العديد من الأشخاص الذين يحبونك ويتمنون لك السعادة

أنت من تعيش حياتك فبإرادتك أن تجعلها جنة صغيرة سعيدة
وبإرادتك أن تجعها سوداء مليئة بالأحزان فلك الخيار لتختار
وابتسم لأنك تملك الخيار الصحيح


~*~ DeCisSions.. ~*~

When we want to take decisions..it`s one of the most difficult thing..cuz one decision can change ur whole life..with one decision..you can be happy or sad..with one decision you can either make another person or persons HapPy or Diappointed..

ur afraid if you take a decision that u might be selfish..that u may broke a promise..that u might be unjust to others..

I wish sometimes i didn't have to make any decisions or to choose..but when u think about it..it's a BleSsing el7amdu Allah..cuz u can choose what u think might be the best..but it is such a huge Responsibility..

Others may LoOk at you and wonder why ur SOo conFused..but u can't Explain..
It's a S t R u g L e between Ur HeaD & ur HearT
اللهم لا سهل إلا ما جعلته سهلا وأنت تجعل الحزن إذا شئتا سهلا

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~*~ QuestionS... ~*~

Some Questions In My Mind:

1) If you Quit..does that mean ur Weak..?

2) If your Hesitant..does that mean it's Wrong?

3) If your Jealous..Does that mean You have a Low self steam or confidence or your Selfish or what ExacTly does it mean?

4) If you Pretend..does that mean ur Fake?

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~*~ Don't Be Such an Ordinary Human..!~*~

I dare you Not to be ur self for one day

i dare you to take risk..to do something unusuall..

but u won't


doesn't that make u ordinary?

well.. ordinary people are boring..BOOOOOOOOOOrinG

Its time that u challenge ur self

..Do something New..Be SomeOne New

Time to BE ...rather than to DREAM...

Just Some thoughts croSsing my mind..
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~*~ Children..Make You HapPy..~*~

Al Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam Alikooooooooooom

Hey..GueSs what..?!!

ok..let me tell u what HapPened..

Before two days..suddenly they told me i have to give a lecture about healthy food for school children in the hospital..i was soooooooooo UpSet..why me..? what is this..i am buzy..i have things on my mind...this is what was HapPening in my mind..and i told my BosS..what a beautiful suRprize....?!!......... Thats me being sarcastic :D

any ways..i was angry...what is this..i will quite..why they didn't inform me before..i have many things on my mind..(personally and professionally)

anyways..today i gave the lectre to about 20 student girls grade 4 and 5..and i SOoooooo EnjoyEd it looooooool...sometimes i make a big deal out of a small thing

it was soooo fun..el7amdu Allah and i felt the kids liked the lecture ..so did the teachers..they told me it would be a good idea if i go to their school and give more lectures ^__^YaaaY

any ways..so i guess this is what means when we say
"Every Thing HapPens For A Reason.." : )
and the result turnEd ouT rewarding el7amdu Allah.soo i guess soemtimes we should wait before we judge or get angry..or at elast see the bright sid eof it..but its hard to control my temper sometimes..anyways...so now i am HapPPpY and i havne't felt like this since a while..

These two weeks i had To take SOOOOOOo many decisions..because many things HaPpened all together..and still there are some issues Under ConsideraTioN... Ensha Allah Khair..i just want to make sure i take the right decision..but how can i know >_

yalla see you ^________________^ and Smiiiiiiiiiiile..and i HopE i will be Smiling for a loooooooong time..i am tired of being sad :D

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~*~ RealitY TalK..?!~*~

SOooo ConFuseD >_<
i have a big trouble in Taking DecisionSs..
Yesterday i went to the doctor fo some check-Ups..she asked me weird questions..as she was filling the medical file..
she asked me what my fears are...i told her fear sof failure..and ofcourse i didnt tell her everything specially that mom was setting infront of me :D
she asked me whether i was afraid of cats...she asked me to talk about my self..and actually i wasn't quite sure what to say? i told her some things but not everything and i realized that when u say ur negative things..loud..it is really emmmm..disappointing :S i told her some positive side of me..not much though..i told her i am soo sad and UpsEt these days..she asked me why..

she asked me whether i loved my mom or dad more..loool..funny but interesting questions..

any ways..i don;t feel comfortable talking about these issues cuz i cry easily but i didnt yesterday looool..thank Allah..but it was kinda a relief to talk about things that are usually covered with a MasK..

So what are your fears?


~*~ Test Your Self.. ~*~

Salam Alikom

Lets not talk about me for once :D

here is a cool test i came across..Try to answer before loOking at the correct answer below the question

Q1. How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator?

Correct Answer
Open the refrigerator, put in the giraffe and close the door. This question tests whether you tend to do simple things in an overly complicated way.

Q2. How do you put an elephant into a refrigerator?

Wrong Answer:
Open the refrigerator, put in the elephant and close the refrigerator.

Correct Answer:
Open the refrigerator, take out the giraffe, put in the elephant and close the door. This tests your ability to think through the repercussions of your actions.

Q3. The Lion King is hosting an animal conference. All the animals attend, except one. Which animal does not attend?

Correct Answer:
The elephant, since it is still in the refrigerator. This tests your memory. Even if you did not answer the first three questions correctly, you still have one more chance to show your

Q4. There is a river you must cross, but it is inhabited by crocodiles. How do you manage it?

Correct Answer:
You swim across. All of the crocodiles are attending the meeting!
This tests whether you learn quickly from your mistakes.
How many answers did u get right?
I Liked This Test ; )
Got it from..

الحمد الله، سبحان الله، والله أكبر،ولا حول ولاقوة إلا بالله