
قصة رجل ليس لديه بريد إلكتروني...!!

تقدم رجل لشركة مايكروسوفت للعمل بوظيفة - فراش - بعد إجراء المقابلة والاختبار (تنظيف أرضية المكتب) ، اخبره مدير التوظيف بأنة قد تمت الموافقة عليه وسيتم إرسال قائمة بالمهام وتاريخ المباشرة في العمل عبر البريد الإلكتروني. أجاب الرجل: ولكنني لا املك جهاز كمبيوتر ولا املك بريد إلكتروني!!!!! رد عليه المدير (باستغراب): من لا يملك بريد إلكتروني فهو غير موجود أصلا ومن لا وجود له فلا يحق له العمل. خرج الرجل وهو فاقد الأمل في الحصول على وظيفة ، فكر كثيراً ماذا عساه أن يعمل وهو لا يملك سوى 10 دولارات. بعد تفكير عميق ذهب الرجل إلى محل الخضار وقام بشراء صندوق من الطماطم ثم اخذ يتنقل في الأحياء السكنية ويمر على المنازل ويبيع حبات الطماطم . نجح في مضاعفة رأس المال وكرر نفس العملية ثلاث مرات إلى أن عاد إلى منزلة في نفس اليوم وهو يحمل 60 دولار . أدرك الرجل بان يمكنه العيش بهذه الطريقة فاخذ يقوم بنفس العمل يوميا يخرج في الصباح الباكر ويرجع ليلا. أرباح الرجل بدأت تتضاعف فقام بشراء عربة ثم شاحنة حتى اصبح لدية أسطول من الشاحنات لتوصيل الطلبات للزبائن. بعد خمس سنوات اصبح الرجل من كبار الموردين للأغذية في الولايات المتحدة. لضمان مستقبل أسرته فكر الرجل في شراء بوليصة تامين على الحياة فاتصل بأكبر شركات التامين وبعد مفاوضات استقر رأيه على بوليصة تناسبه فطلب منه موظف شركة التامين أن يعطيه بريده الإلكتروني!! أجاب الرجل: ولكنني لا املك بريد إلكتروني! رد عليه الموظف (باستغراب): لا تملك بريداً إلكترونيا ونجحت ببناء هذه الإمبراطورية الضخمة!! تخيل لو أن لديك بريداً إلكترونيا! فأين ستكون اليوم؟؟؟ أجاب الرجل بعد تفكير : فراش في مايكروسوفت.


~*~ Marriage...SwEeeEt Marriage ~*~

Heeeeeeey people...

let me tell you a small story my friends...

kaan ya makaan..fee qadeem el zaamaaan...bent sa3`eeera..who dreamt of getting married...and one day she woke up and said.." Who am i kidding?" i am soooooooo not ready...

i dunno what will happen when the " Right..Zoro.." riding his white horse..waiting with the moon light reflecting his image on the lake..romantic? ..false hOope? but i will leave that to time...i don't want to think about it now..its sooo much to handle...i refuse to bother my brain cells to think about the future...to dream is not wrong...but to over dream..over imagine..and to mix fiction with reality? i mean...Geeeeeeeeeet a liiiife....

I know marriage is a very valuable relationship in Islam and i totally agree...but to let the " Mr.right maaaaaaaan" be the core concern for young girls is just sooo..soo...shallow..u know?

i mean we should aim for our goals....Have FuUuuUUnNNn...and enjoy this life..each time has its own Beauty..so why waste this beauty with thinking about something..that is will happen insha allah in the future...?

just wait..for the right time..right place..right person..no need to rush..but if someone good proposes..pray este5ara...and think twice..good men are rare these days ^___________^


Learn avazy=3emy With Spring-Bleeeeeeeend

Laaaaaaaaadies...here are some iranian words for you to learn..i actually think our language is more Rhythmatic than I ever thought..like spanioola..don't u agree?

Lesson # 1:

Ashkamy=Mean I love to eat alot=faj3anah..emm..sounds nice...

lesson # 2:

Ma Mow= Ma= I/ Mow= Brought.... --> I brought...

Ta Taw= You brough...ex. you brough my book

this sounds like japanese or something..

lesson # 3:

Ma 5oterot maay= I like you OR I Love You

lesson # 4:

Avolot 5ashee?= Are you ok? or How are you?

lesson # 5:

Ma keham? = Who am I?

Let me know what other woOords..u would like to KnowW...

~*~ 10 RandoOm FacTs AboOut Me ~*~

I saw the other day on a website this Challenge
Mention 10 RandOm Facts About you...and I think its cooll and fuUUn..sooo lettttts begin giiiiiirlZzz..

1. Chincko Mincko..hehe..this is my secret word..when i want my Lovely Beautiful Mom to buy me something like chocolate from the supermarket and i don't want my 6 and a 1/2 years old nephew to know..i tell mom " bring me 1 chincko mincko", sometimes chincko mincko means other silly things..depends...

2. I find it very very hard to express my true feelings and to say " I Love you" or " I am sorry" i can say it on msn or laugh about it but when i really mean it..its hard to sayit in words face 2 face..

3. I haaaaaaaaate to cry infront of other people..i feel so weak..i don't like to think this way but i was brought up this way..i don't think crying is weakness for others but for me it is..but I do cry alone..ya3ni i am not emotionless..u know O_o :)

4. emmmmmmmm...i find it hard soemtimes to be honest like to say, ur hair looks really bad or looks like a sheep..or it hurts me that u don't even ask about me or care or WHY WERe u LATE GRrrrrr...!!..maybe cuz i think i would hurt ppl..and then i will feel bad..but i am learning to be more honest..specially with those who accept critisisim and are coool with it..

5. I am sooooooooo crazy at home, ppl who don;t know me will think ana rzeenah and quite but my close firends and family know i like to shout, sing loud and do crazy stuff at home..play like a kid..and I just LOoOOVe to

Grasp & Stretch People's Cheeks..koochy..koootchy...

6. please don't laugh at me..I talk to plants!!!!!!!!! hehehe..how CrazZy is that..i say salam alikom ya 7elween..how are you today and so on..i feel that they feel it..but i feel silly but nice doing it..

7. I LOoOooOOve nature..just LOoOOve it..i can spend hours in the car..quite..just looking at the sky, moon and sun..at that thin line that appears in magreb and listening to anasheed that take me to a dreamy world...not healthy but..JusT BeautiFul...

8. I don't like to talk about my feelings, or angreness or to say i am stressed that often cuz i feel that makes me weak and i should be stronger,,on other times i say cuz otherwise i would explode..in many times, i smile and laugh but u know what..it might be my worst day ever..but I pretend i am coool..

9. I careless about the number of the cars ..u know what i am saying????..so what if u have number 11 or number 5000 on the back of ur car..i careless if i have a toyota car..mercedes is nice but..in the end of the day..i just want a car that takes me home..and that is comfortable..and does not make weird sounds..Grr..Geer..Veen..Eeeeerg

10. I don't know who am i..sometimes,, i don't know why i do what i do...i need ppl to answer my Questiooooooons..why i do or say what i do or say...WHYyy..ha?


11. LifE Is Beautiful My Friend..so enjoy every moment of it..but remember Allah is watching you..so think twice before doing what u were about to do..and always tell ppl who u care about..that u Love them..cuz if u wait too long sometimes..it can be too late and u may miss the chance..--> look whos talking..

I am waiting for u giirls..to tell me YOUR 10 RanDOM FACTS..!!! YuuuUUpPyyyY...

~*~ ChildHOoOd MeMories ~*~

I like to think back when I was a child one day..I don't think i was concerned about ‎anything else other than being loved and playing with my cousin "M", her brother "M" ‎and my Brother DOoDY

we were like a gang or something, looking for old canes, analyzing the environment ‎around us, trying to figure out what mysterious Scenarios happened..‎

We used to go skating in the parks together..SOoooooo FuUuUuUun..going to al khoor ‎park to ride that 4 wheel bicycles ..going ice skating in "Nady el naser"..‎

I miss being a child,and I don't miss it as well..‎

I miss sending letters down the balcony to my childhood best friend "H" on a night of ‎Ramadan, i miss playing football with my brother's friends

I miss going swimming with the whooooooooole family, my cousinz and all and then ‎eating cheese sandiwich..yummy..‎

I miss doing silly stuff,, like that time when i was going to tarawee7 prayer in Ramadan ‎and i figured out i have no socks and i was wearing short sleeves..‎

or that other time when me and my couzin could not stop giggling during tarawe7 ‎prayer..‎

I miss some of my school friends..who i know little about now..and I don't want to see ‎that happening with my university SwEEeT Friends..‎

why..do people leave..why do they go,,why do they make us think of them as a sweet ‎memory rather than a touchable reality..hmmm...‎

i remember once my brother did a crazy thing..‎

my couzin in Iran was standing in the yard and me and my brother were in the second ‎floor balconi and my brother Poured cold water i think on that poor guy hehehe...rude but ‎FuUnNY...Sorry dude… bad day..!‎

So what is it that you miss the most about ur childhood...? : )


~*~ TOo SomE OnE SpeCiaL ~*~

I realized something today..something that i should have thought about before i guess..

Can u imagine how it feels to suddenly realize that the person whom you thought to be different from you,,turned out to be sooo much like u?_?

SomE people love & appreciate with unspoken words,,untouchable feelings,,they simply find it hard to show their emotions...i guess i am one of them..BUT

u know..my close friends have changed me..

I learned by the hard way..that saying " I Love You" should be expressed and showed..why we wait until the person is gone?

I have this cute friend..who turned to be soo much like me..i like the fact that she can read through my mask..but at the same time it scares me..cuz she can read me someitmes like an open story..SCAAARY!!..cuz thats what i am trying hard to hide and here she comes laughing about it and exposing it hehe:)

I dunno why i am writting this..but i realized today..that I have soo many good and close friends..some are closer..some are close to the heart but for some reason far from the sight!..

My SwEeeEEt passioNaTe friend (M)..

i really forgot what i was going to say..

emmm...you mentioned whether I had a soul mate..and honestly..i dunoo..i don't like to think that ur not close..cuz i realized today that ur one of my faviourte friends ^__^ close to the heart..but far from sight! I dunno...

maybe cuz.........i will tell u one day..

but ur right..you never know who appreciates you..some words are unspoken..some feeling are unexpressed...!

ur letter made me cry..!!i dunno why..maybe i know..but i dont wanna say why or i don't wanna admit it ^_^

u also made me laugh and smile..^________^YuuPPy..ur soo funyn u know that..

any ways...just wanted to say that sometimes we do not realize how much we appreciate someone until something happens..Every thing Happens for a Reason, right?

by the way..its not hard to read my pages, cuz once u open ur Heart, i open mine..that simple : )