هل الصورة هدية من بنت خالتي العزيزة الي أحبها كثييير ^___^ الله يسعدها دنيا وآخرة اللهم آميييين
وهذا ماما اشترته وكنت باخذه أحطه في غرفتي..قام حموودي ابن أخوي قال يباااه... ووقلت لا لا وبعدين آخر شي رضيت أعطييه ههههههههههههه ^_____^ أحيانا أحس إني صغيرة أتخانق مع الاطفاال عشان صورة :D
أعتقد صورة وردة دوار الشمس هي خذتها قرب حديقة الحيوانات في جميرا
I have a Question..and i want you to answer me honestly..think about it and be true to ur self..
What Makes You HapPY?
In general..what gives u HapPineSs..?
i asked a dear someone..and she said:
Peacfulness..............! Interesting right?!!! but not enough for me :D i asked her..what gived you the sense of peacfulness?
she said..her little Sweet KatKoooTy SoN gives her peacfulness..masha Allah..الله يخليهم لبعض ويسعدهم اللهم آميييين
i did not expect that..!!
I said..how does your son give u peacfullness..she said:
when he smiles
when he hugs me
when he says mama 7abebty
when he kisses me
masha Allah..tabark Allah..isnt that just SOOooooooo SweeeeeeeeeeT? Yaaaay ^_____^
i was thinking about this question today..and this is what i think:
i guess i am HapPy mostly when i am satisfied with where i am..with whom i am..with what i have done so far in my personal and social life..in simple words..
When i look back before 5 years ago and i look at my self now and see how much I have grown in terms of my faith, manners and knowledge..if i see a positive change..that gives me happineSs and a sense of satisfaction..but if i feel i have not changed or became worse..i feel a Big..HuGe..sense of DisapPointmenT
so i am HapPY when:
1. First, i am satisfied and contented with my self (Spirtually and Emotionally)
2. Second, when i contribute in helping, doing or offering something useful for someone or for People
by the way..yesterday i was thinking about the meaning or definition of haPpinEsS and i also asked my friends..this is what we think
HapPineSs is a sense of PeacfulnesS and ContentmenT within that is reflected by ones strength of Faith ^_^
يعني باختصار رضا وسلام وراحة داخلية ومنبعها حب الله سبحانه وتعالى وقوة الإيمان
so..ask your self..and if u wanna share it with me..i would be HapPPy and CuriouS to know what goes through ur Brain CelLSs :D
What Makes You HapPyY?
and what does HapPinEss Mean in your dictionarY?سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم
أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له, له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير