Salam Alikom ya 7elweeeeeeeeen
Guess WHAT? I have started my internship..yoooohoooooooo...Coool , right? :D yesterday i completed two weeks and so far it has been alright el7amde Allah with some ups and downs in the mood :D
This is what i wrote in the car the "FIRST DAY" before i enter the HospiTaL:
by the time i got home i was exhusted and had a headache and almost all family members were sitting in the majlis and some asked how it wentand i said " later..later..i will get some rest first" and I slep :D
The First Week was petty much routine work..arranging meal cards accoridng to the patient's medical condition.. standing for about 1.30 in the kitchen :D
and suprisingly not to eat but to watch people's food and whether each meal is right for that patient's condition (Diabetic, heart disease and so on...) at that day i told my friend Dimpliii...
"This is the time where we should forget about our own stomach and selfishness and think about all the patient`s needs and stomach" :D and we were sooooooooooo hungry on the first da
what else..? emmmmm...the people working there are pretty much cool and nice to be around el7amdu Allah and the Hospital i work in is kinda crowded which i really like ( u know..seeing and meeting new people..interacting..i can FeeEL, SmElL and TaStE LIFE..WoOoOwW )
I had my UpS and DoOWns During those two weeks but el7amde Allah I Feel i am leaning valuable Things about Healtth, Nutrition and Life and MoOst Importantly about MYSELF..
LeSsOnS Learned:
1. Be PaTient: During work, u may be tired, sad, moody but really, there is no time for that..u should dedicate those hours to your patients and people ur working with because if you want to be Loyal in what ur doing then drop the selfishneSs! at least during the working hours..i am not saying i am loyal or not selfish but i need to learn to be cuz i beleive what ever we say and do, it should be لوجه الله سبحانه وتعالى
2. Good Judgment Skills: Dealing with Patients can be interesting, smooth but also difficult in other times..some patients may lie about smoking or drinking alcohol few occations i found that the girls i work with use their judgment and experience to know whether the person is lying or not
3. Do Not PostPone: Loool..i mean i am an expert in postponing but trust the real world..postponign won't least not where i work..the first day it think it was, i asked when is our break? and this girl said well we don't have a break..we eat in the office..we pray here..lool..i was shoOckED..!!! 0_0 :D
well..this is what i have for now..working can be really StreSsing..and hard but it is a new makes you more responsible..more worthy cuz u feel ur helping ur self and many other peopPle..insha Allah
See you PeeeeePOOooooool :D ^________^
and hey..don't laugh at my hand writting :D
توكلت على الله رب العالمين
لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله
أشهد ان لا إله إلا الله وأشهد ان محمد رسول الله
لا إله إلا أنت سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين
اللهم صلى وسلم وبارك على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وأصحابه أجمعين ومن والاه وتبعه بإحسان إلى يوم الدين
اللهم لك الحمد ولك الشكر كما ينبغي لجلال وجهك وعظيم سلطانك
و انا بحكي وين البنت من زمان ما بينت ^_^
الله يعطيك العافيه يارب و يوفقك
Really Really I like your blog so much and the way you describe events masha'allah 3aleek
btw welcome to the work life ^_^
do not what to say! :)
u have a nice blog!
أهلين أختي
اهلا وسهلا فيكي ^__^ ويعافيكي يا رب ويوفقك ويسعدنا أجمعين دنيا وآخرة اللهم آميين
Thaaanx lioness..u made me HapPPy with ur honest worDs..really sOooooo HapPPY:D Thanx dear :)take care
Thanx ^_^ it is always SOoo lovely and BeauTiful to hear other peoPpl's opinion about things that belong to us..i appreciate it : )
انت شيعي ؟؟؟
الحمد الله على نعمةالإسلام والحمد الله دائما على نعمه الكثيرة
أنا مسلمة أحاول أتبع القرآن الكريم وسنة نبينا محمد عليه الصلاة والسلام والله يهدينا للصراط المستقيم اللهم آمييين
مبين انك من اصول ايرانية
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