
~&~ عـــــــيـــــــــد ســـــــــعـــــــــيـــــــــــد ^_______^ ~&~

عـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــيــــــــــــدكــــــــــــــــم مـــــــــــــبــــــــــــــــــــــارك و ســــــــعــــــيــــــــد يا حــــــــــــلويــــــــــــــــن ^_________^

HapPyYYYYYyy Eid EveRy One

Yaaaaaaaaaaay..its Eid..sooooooo nice elhamdu Allah..YuuuPPPYyyyy ^_^
الحمد الله الذي أنعم علينا بنعمه وفضله وكرمه
سبحانك اللهم لك الحمد ولك الشكر كما ينبغي لجلال وجهك وعظيم سلطانك
وصلى اللهم وسلم وبارك على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم تسليما كثيرا


Anonymous said...

Happy Eid
Eid Saeid
Eidetoon Mobarak
Selamet Hari Raya

happy this great eid to you and your family... hope you hear good news, see good things and feel Great!

LioneSS said...

كل عام و انت بخير عزيزتي

ينعاد عليك العيد بالصحة و السعاده
و تقبل الله صيامك و قيامك

Anonymous said...

happy belated eid ^_^
inshallah you had fun.
^_^ yallah let's meet.. sho haaa

Spring Blend said...

Hey ocean


thaanx..hope u EnjoYed ur Eid as welL ensha Allah

وإنت بخير وصحة وسلامة وسعادة وإيمان يا رب

منا ومنكم صالح الأعمال اللهم آمين

Baby Miwicle..since when did u became baby loool :D

HapPy Belated Eid to u too Dear KatKoooTeeee

YEees it was fun el7amdu Allah..Hope u enJoyed it too

ok..u arrange it cuz i hate to arrange going out..cuz i get Crazy..everyone says soemthing..and let me know where and when..Miss you girls ^_^Hope 2 Meet Up SOOooN :D

Bookworm said...

Hey marmoora,

Happy Belated Eid. I hope you had a great and refreshing break =)

Miss ya, Mwaah!

Spring Blend said...

AHleeeeeen habebty BooKy

Miss you too ^_^ hope to see u soon and go skating together

i just remembered ur laugh loooool..soo innocent and CuTe :D

HapPy Eid to you too dear..i enJoyed it soo MuCH:D elhamdu Allah..Hope U Had FuN as well ; )

Have a lovely lovely BeauTiful Week :D

Bookworm said...

Im glad you had fun! =)

Yeah, we should go skating. Call me if you're free and we'll make plans. I tried calling ya a coupla times during Eid, but I suppose you were busy.