
~&~ RanDom ThoughTS ~&~

Thought # 1:

When my oldest Nephew was about 4 or 5..i remember telling him i am the BosS or the presidenT of the House :D hehe...any ways..he said..NOooo..YOU CAN NOT BE The BOSS..YOU ARE A GIRL !!!

this simple conversation might be funny or a good mini-story to share..but if u really n deeply think about it..u will find it scary

scary cuz those little messages we are sending to our children..to the community have Great impacs on the long term..

the child grows up thinking woman are weak..woman are not very important..woman can not be leaders or well-respected as men..it is dangerous messages that WoORrieS me

Thought # 2:
Work Field Helps you Learn something very very Improtant

Do Not Be NaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeVE..And be DiploMaTiC..i am not saying lie..i am saying Diplomatic..no need to open ur mouth and say unnecesary things...some things are better kept unspoken at least for that time..got it ?!
Thought # 3:

Today i heard over the rado station about the meaning of Good Aklagh/manners حسن الخلق

حسن الخلق له كذا وجه

1. حسن الخلق مع الله سبحانه وتعالى
بالرضا عما أمرنا الله عزوجل بفعله والإبتعاد عما نهانا عنه سبحانه وتعالى بقلب راض ومطمئن بدون تذمر أو تأفف

by being satisfied with what he has asked us to do..without complaining..without rejection or dis-satisfaction..with doing what he has ordered us with an open HapPy HearT

2.حسن الخلق مع الناس
بطلاقة الوجه والإحترام والكف عن الأذى والصبر على الأذى

Being Smiley with people and respecting them and Not harming anyone and Being patient for others harm and so on..

BeauTifuL MeaningS..i never thought that Good Aklagh applies to People as well as to Allah sub7anah Wa t3ala... sunb7an Allah
Smile Pleeeeeeeeeease ^_____________^
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Anonymous said...

Hi Spring
nice Reminder....
when I read "smile please" in the end of the post, I suddenly smiled.... he he... ^________^

oh, but... a Q!
"Can a woman really be a leader???"
he he ,,,, just kidding! :D,
of course she can, why not?

women are REALLY stronger than men in many many situations. but not always!!!
have nice day

Bookworm said...

"no need to open ur mouth and say unnecesary things"

Words of wisdom darling. My Big mouth is yaking all time. Sometimes it gets me in to trouble. Sometimes I speak nonsense. And sometimes I talk about anything and everything.

Good post marmar ;)

Spring Blend said...

HelLO Ocean

oh, but... a Q!
"Can a woman really be a leader???"


but u know..i am not those girls who say woman are good for everything and every job..we are created differently and i am against gender equality in everything

Thanx..u TOo

Hey book worm:

lool..really? i didn't think that ur mouth gets u in touble ..u don't look so..but i noticed everytime i post an advice here like don't be neave..or open ur mouth..the next few days i make the same mistake..i dooooooooon't like that...i need someone to pinch me every time i am going to say things that should not be said

actually if any one talks about everyhting and anyhting with me for example i would feel we are close friends..so..its not always bad..but depends on situation :D

Thaaaaaaanx Dear ^_^

Bookworm said...

hehe, yeah, maybe I don't look it but this mouth of mine does get me in trouble. When I'm nervous I blab. I talk about anything, just to 'asawee jaw' or get over the nervousenss and here is where I TALK and don't THINK. A55 min elsaaneee :p

Ahh, mistakes help us sometimes. But I know what you mean..