

خضار يلامس شغاف قلبي الصغير. يلاعب مشاعري ويهمس لنبضات الحب التي تتوق للترحال إلى مكان لا كذب ولا نفاق ولا ظلم فيه...
This greenish view touches my heart, amuses my emotions & whispers to the beats of love that longs to return to a place with no lies and, no hate & no injustice…


Bookworm said...

Sugoooooii..Amazing pic hon!
When you find that place, tell me, and ill come with you!

Spring Blend said...

hehe..yes AmAzInG!سبحان الخالق
sometimes those places are just infront of our eyes, but unappreciated..^_^who wouldn't like to take a great friend like you to a great place like this!

Bookworm said...

Sank ya!