
~*~ DeCisSions.. ~*~

When we want to take decisions..it`s one of the most difficult thing..cuz one decision can change ur whole life..with one decision..you can be happy or sad..with one decision you can either make another person or persons HapPy or Diappointed..

ur afraid if you take a decision that u might be selfish..that u may broke a promise..that u might be unjust to others..

I wish sometimes i didn't have to make any decisions or to choose..but when u think about it..it's a BleSsing el7amdu Allah..cuz u can choose what u think might be the best..but it is such a huge Responsibility..

Others may LoOk at you and wonder why ur SOo conFused..but u can't Explain..
It's a S t R u g L e between Ur HeaD & ur HearT
اللهم لا سهل إلا ما جعلته سهلا وأنت تجعل الحزن إذا شئتا سهلا

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The Extravagate said...

i can relate to this post
coz sometimes when this decision is about me i can decide easily but the difficult part is when it involves other ppl coz as u said you dont want to be unjust specially to the ppl u care mostly about

Bookworm said...

Heya Marmar,

Decisions are always going to be hard to make >.< specially life changing ones!

On the days that you get all confused and all muddled up, just remember the things that made you relax and feel good about making these decisions. Remember that no matter what you decide, it would be right cuz it would surely be for a good reason, whether you know it or not. And last of all, Trust Allah completely in this - and inshAlla Allah helps you in choosing whats best for you.
