Salam Alikom BeauTiful PeopPle :D..How are things going on with you?
SOoo..two of my best friends got married few days ago..i went to their weddings..masha was nice..May Allah fill their Heart and Mind and Life with Faith, HapPinesS and JoY..Allahuma Ameeeeeeeen
i am not sure what i wanna talk about..but i feel a strange vipe these days..and i know why..anyways..things are going alright with me elhamdu Allah..enjoYing my holiday but i need to read some BoOOKs..about Nutrition..about something..and about Life..any recommendations?
if you had the chance to ask a proposal only one question..what would it be :D?? hehe..i am not sure but i might ask.. "WhOoo Are You" OR " What are you Looking For In This Wolrd?" or maybe" How do you see your self after 5 or 10 years" and i will examine His Creativity..and Priorities..
WhaT Would YOU Ask The Other Person?
In Life,I noticed, from my little experience, that
" With Patience comes Appreciation"...
What i mean is..the things in life that we get by hard work or by waiting..or by struggle and manytimes have a very very different SweeT Taste..don't you think?
If you got a house of ur dreams..a great husband..a great joB in a blink of an eye..with little effort..u might appreciate what u have..but do you think you would appreciate it the same way as when you get those Valuable things by struggle..?...well...think about it
let me tell you a little story which my brother "A" el katKOOOooTy once told me:
OncE upon a time..there was a man walking with his bared feet on the cool sand near the a sunny day..he came across a woman who was trying hard to collect the star it called start fish :S? so..she was collecting them from the beach and throwing them back to the sea to save them..the man laugheed ironically and said.." what are you doing..? you can't make a difference..u can't save all thooooose star fishes..they will be died till you reach all of them.."
she picked a star fish from the golden sand and freed it back to the the Beautiful blue ocean..and turned to the man and said " IT MADE A DIFFERENCE FOR THAT ONE"
..for that little made a difference...
No matter how small the positive difference we cna is worth it..worth the effort..the time..the trial...So that we don't look back one day and say..I wish i tried..
what are you doing to make a your the people who you love lives..and the society?
don't you want to leave deep footprints so that ur deeds will remain green and fresh even after we leave this Wonderful WorlD?
: ) ^________________^ this made me think about how little i am doing and how much i want to offer to the world..
May Allah Help Us All to Fulfill our dreams and to be productive and change makers in this Amazing World ...Allahuma Ameen : )