Al salam Alikom pePOOOOOOooooooooool :D
Did you miss meeeeeeee?!!!!!................... OFCOURSE YOU DID!!!! :D :D
hmmmmmmmm...what a Beautiful was another world..another weather..different peoPle.. SOooooooo RefreShinG..elhamdu Allah ^___^
Soooo sooooo sooooooo...where should i start..?!! ooooooooh yeaaaaaaas...guess what?
the first day i arrived "Avaz", my hometown, my uncle's family and their lovely daughter made us dinner as a turtle shape looool cuz i love turtles..isn't that amazing and cute?
for those who do not know is a small town in South iran..the weather in summer is hot and dry but at night..sometimes its nice with a gentle wind..specilaly when u sleep on the roof of the house..i slep once and trust me..the planket was cold..yuMMyy..sooo Niiiiiiice EXperience and u can look at the stars above u.. ; )
in the winter..the weather is coooooold with rain or little rain but i think no snow..they say in Spring :D the weather and the view and nature ie very beautiful if there was rain..but i had not had the chance to see it..they call it (Bahar) means Spring i think !!
its a simple town with simple peoPle..many are living in UAE or the gulf and some abroad..but at the end its my hometown so I LOVE IT :D
Look at the head of the turtle on the left :D
its sooo sweet of them to remmeber something i care about and to take the effort..Yaaaay ^___^I really beleive that when people love you..they will try to remember the things that u care about the most and they might eventually fall in love with the things YOU love just because You LOoVe IT!!! ; )I have maaaaaaaany things to share..but for now..enjOY with some of the pics.ParT 1:
we called this the house with a door and no wall..lool..its funny it has a door but no wall :D
this is yard (is ths word right?) of my aunt's house..Allah yerhamha..when i went to Avaz..i missed her alot...and i remembered when she used to sleep in our house before two years..she was quite but yet nice to have her around..I wish i talked to her and asked her more and told her how much she means to me..Sweet Aunt ^__^
This is my Aun'ts house entrance
This is some evidence that i do some kitchen work loooool..i know its only salad..but it counts for somثthing..right? ; )
لإhis is the poor fish that we ate yum yum yummmy...i helped in cleaning it lil bit..but our sweet maid gets angry when i help..cuz i am slow :D
This is starfish hanged on my couzin`s wall..they brought it from dubai when they came this year..beautiful right?
This is a part of the mosque near our house..
This is a lOOOOOOOoooong the last few mother held a teaching class at our house..we prayed maghreb prayer jama3a and then 1/2 hour teaching children quran with signs (by the way ..this method i think is new in iran and its interesting..tell u about it later) and 1/2 hour teaching the women and girls quran we tried to write a hadeeth or a saying each day to taمk about on the board breaifly ^___^ coooool, right?
In my other Aunt's house..yummyyyyyy...its soooo me...Masha Allah
مقبرة near our house..what do they call magbara in english :S??!!!my grandfathers and grandmothers and Aunt are here
اللهم ارحم موتى المسلمين ..اللهم اغفر لي ولوالدي ولأهلي وللمسلمين والمسلمات والمؤمنين والمؤمنات الأحياء منهم والاموات إلى يوم الدين
اللهم ارحمهم برحمتك الواسعة واجعل قبورهم روضة من رياض الجنة واغفر لهم وارضى عنهم وعنا واجمعنا بهم في الفردوس الاعلى من الجنة وأكرم نزلنا يا رب العالمين... اللهم آمييييييييييييييين
Another View...
we were invited for breakfast on a friday morning..we went after fajer prayer to an open land..the weather was ok..but toooo much ANt...the big ones are scarRYYy.they look like spiders :@@@ but it was nice..and i was asked about nutrititonal stUff :D OOhh i also wrote some diet plans for few PeoplE..thats another Story..!!! oOOhh..some of them called me Doctor looooooool...i told my mom..i don't want them to call me doctor? i am not..when i get my pHD..let them call me Doctor :D
Avaz StReeT
When my Couzin and her Husband came back from Omra (Makkah)...some of their friends tey hanged this above their house DOoor :D
so soo..what else..i am tired now..lemme tlel u a small story..before i go and i will continue my adventure someother time : D
This is a Real Story In AvaZ:
A man was told that he had kidney the doctors advised him to walk so the stones would come out..One day as he was walking..he heard a voice..suddenly i think few dogs were running after him :D :D loool its funny but ScarrrRyYy ...he ran..ran and raan soooooo fast and got away...then the 4 kidney stones came out loooooooool
i mean if someone hears this story..he/she would say: poor man for this situation..but at the end..there was a reason why he was ment to be followed by dogs..a get rid of his stones :D :D..subhan Alla.h.Every Thing HapPens for a Reason ^___^its like looking at the bright side..u know?
By the way..i learned in my trip to take opportunities to help my self and influence others..i learned that my family are one of the most important treasures of life and that i miSsed them alot when i was away from UAE..and i can't imagine my life away from them..i misSed my two nephews alot ^___^الله يحفظهم ويرفع مقامهم ومقامنا عند الله في الدنيا والآخرة اللهم آمييييييييين
and i learned that in Iran people enjoY their time by going to the park..or gathering on the street and that is worth miliions of dollars that they pay here or somewhere else but alone..
oh..ya..and also..when u are away from your loved ones for a while..i guess that gives u the opportunity to appreciate them more, be more nice and kind with them when ur back, don't you think ; ) ?
I HOoPe yOu All EnjOyed your Summer as well ensha Allah..
سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم
welcome home
we missed ya
kisses and hugs.
yallah yallah we need to gather.. lo sma7ti ya3ni
u + dimpli + baby thyme + me + 3yda
thanks for the stories + pictures shared :)
it's always nice to have you back. mashaAllah you're optimistic and your prayers are always vivid.
Hehehe.. nice turtle u ate :p
and with regards to the grave yard pic, it triggered off old memories.
While you were away we did a few things..
1) We read.
2) They called us to have a job interview... we did not expect it at all. They did not have our certificates or anything which proved that we graduated, but it seemed that you guys did spread a positive reputation at that hospital and they loved you.. that was why they called us.. we need to talk about it
and that's that...
my family traveled, but i stayed at home doing nothing but shoppin and reading.
i used to visit my relatives from time to time.
but it's as u said.. when u gather with your family, it is worth much more than "mere money"
until I see you,
you shall have my lots of wishes and kisses... ;)
Ahleeeeeen miracle ^__^
thanx dear :D
gather..!! where?..let me know where and when..cuz i have a buzy scheduale..i am a buisnesswoman, u know? :P
ok..ensha Allah..
"mashaAllah you're optimistic and your prayers are always vivid."
^_^ thank YOU for always making me HaPPy with ur wOorDs
oh..ya..i read a lil bit too..but i still did not finish any book >_<
about the job interview..dimpli told me about it on msn..good 4 u :D and ya i think we need to discuss it..
u stayed at home 0_0..summmer in UAE? ur weird :D
thanx for ur lovely commenT ya 3asal..and hope to see you sooon ensha Allah
Have FUuN ; )
wooow so nice ^_^
Great shots spring :) I liked the nature it looks so awesome and i also liked the turtle dish it seems yummmmy yummy ^_^
I am really happy that you got a happy time in your vacation sweety
May the happiness always remain ^_^
heeeeeya marmoora!
Welcome back home =) Missed ya, girl!
Im glad you had a great time - those pictures were pretty kewl. And yes, salad DOES count as cooking :P
cute turtle, hehe.
Ooh, I wanna know more about the teaching classes you guys held. Seems likea really interesting/beneficial thing. way to go!
See ya soon *hugs*
Ahleeen LionEss:
How r u?..
thaaaaaaaanx..i am glad u liked the pics and the turtle dish was Yummy :D el7amde Allah
thanx for ur beautiful prayer and ensha Allah may all of us reach our goals and be HaPPy dunya W a5era Allahuma Ameeeeeeen
and about the my hometown Avaz..the nature is not that greenish unless its in spring after a rain fall (they told me)
but in shiraz where i also went this summer and in north iran the natur eis much more Beautiful..i will include some of the pics later ensha Allah
Best Wishes : )
thanx dear..and hope to see you soon ensha Allah in ICE SKATINNNNNNNG :D :D :D I caaaaaan't wait... ^__^
"salad DOES count as cooking" GOOD :D
will tell u about the classes was fun..
Have a Lovely WeEK ; )
Hi, nice picssssssss,
beautiful sunset and yummy yummy foodssssssss
HelLoo Ocean:
Thanx..glad u liked it : )
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