I don't knoW WHAT I WANT any more... i truely don't..i am confused..lOst..i dunno what to do..
اللهم لا سهل إلا ما جعلته سهلا وأنت تجعل الحزن إذا شئتا سهلا
let me leave u with some cool NeWs..
News # 1:
a man who won the golden prize in horse race i think in the Olympics after 9 Trials..so he started in his tweenties and now he is in his 60`s 0_0 ..wohooooo..soooo coooool..loool..i can`T imagine how HApPy & ProuD he is :D good for him :D..i respect him..cuz he did not give up..even after all those years and finally he is in history :DSo..don't GivE Up..and Try again & Again to reach ur goals ^__^
News # 2:
i think it was in BraZile..in one of the jails..the guards noticed banned things going in the jail like mobile phones n stuff..when they investigated..they realzied that a prisoner has trainer a bird (DovE) to go and bring him some stuff like mobile phones loool..its amazing how u can use ur brain in doing bad things..wouldn't he be more proud if he used it in good things?So be clever..and try to think of creative Ways in Doing GooD ThingS :D
New # 3:
yesterday i went to city cernter with fmaily..it was sooooooo croawded ..any ways..they went to a shoe shop..i went to the "Body shop" where they sell body sprayers and lotions with straWberry and vanilla flavour lool ..soo...it was Magreb time..and the music was playing...so i was thinking..its athan ime..should i tell the saleman to close it for now?..i usually don't have the courage..but i felt guilty..so i told the arabic man..can u please close the music ..its athan time..he said..oh yeah..those foriegners..they think after athan time its ok to play music..so he reduced the volume..
So..any ways..i am saying this for a reason..and i dont always ask the shops for this but i beleive we should have the courage to do so..its our religion..our countrey..and they are Conquering us mentally, intelectually, economiclaly..and we should do something about it..even as small and as little as this..to stand up for our principles
OkaaaaaaY..so thats that for now..
& I still don't know what to do
سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت أستغفرك وأتوب إليك
how do u do ?? well akthar shai 7baita when u asked the saleman to closed the music even thought he didn't but he reduced the volume thx sis
i reli enjoyed ur writing :D
even though*
sorry i was writting so fast heheh
The Question is really difficult!
I couldn't find what I want to be published about me!!!!
It seems crazy! but I DON'T KNOW
take care
hey sara..
i am great elhamdu Allah...sh7alich enty?
Thanx for making me smile and hapPy for ur lovely commentS
: ) Have a Very BeauTiful Day :D
Hey Ocean..
yeah.. it is a difficult Q ^_^ but i know what i want them to say..it depends on ur dreams & goals in life..i dunno..i think its an interesting Q
Thanx for ur comment and EnJoY
Hi Spring Blend :)
This is my first visit to ur sweet blog.. I don't know why but it feels like being in a garden.. quite refreshing :)
I know that feeling of not knowing what to do (although I might have a full list of pending tasks).. I hope you found something interesting..
I liked your attitude in News#3 too, I'm also the kind that sometimes being shy stops them from doing a possitive thing.. But recently I started to try changing that as much as I can.. so, good for you sis :)
ah and of course: RAMADAN KAREEM :)
ur words drew a smile on my face ^__^
thanx for ur motivating words :D
and for not knowing what to do..loool..of ocurse that is a problem but here i am also talking about being confuSed betweeN two decisions.. :D
and i am glad ur trying to change..keep it uP..cuz ensha Allah it will work out fine..and soemtimes we need that to defend our religion and our selves to ; )
مبروك علينا شهر رمضان والله يعينا على قيامه وصيامه ويتقبل منا ويرزقنا حبه ورضاه والفردوس الأعلى من الجنة اللهم آميين ويعتقنا من النار آميييين
Thank you for ur sweet visit..and for some reason I feel u r a very sweeT & a Kind girl : )
Have a lovely Month sis ^______^
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