William James:
The greatest discovery of any generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitude.
The greatest discovery of any generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitude.
Hey all..
u know..sometimes i step in the patients room..and once i talk to them..i just have fun..and i explain and explain with all my heart cuz i am enjoying talking with them..other times i can't wait to get out of the room lool..
sub7an Allah..there are some people whom u feel soo peacfull and SOoO HapPy to talk with and be with..even if they were strangers..like today..i met this lady who i really enJoyed talking with her and explain for her about Diabetic diet..and actually i went to the nurse for that section of the hospital .."The VIP"..and she said the same thing i said..she said she really liked dealing with her..so i went back to the pateint and told her me and the nurse liked dealing with her and we enjoyed it..the patient got soo HapPy i felt..and this is another thing..that we should say how and what we feel to others even strangers sometimes..cuz it will add a flavour to their day..and perhaps the rest of their Lives :D
She is one of those specialy People who make my work worth it..those who makes u Just LoOvE what u do : )
masha Allah...some people are attractive..not by appearance..but by their soul..by their Genuine and True Smile and Spirit... ^__^
Some people..although they are very sick and going through a difficult time..they still manage to make u smile..they still say el7amdu Allah for everything..and Allah kareem in a warm-Hearted way..they still accept our suggestions and advices with an oPen HearT
So..Attitude my friend..makes a Mig DifferenCe..
Any Special One in ur mind ..either a close friend/family or a strnager like the security guard or who ever that u feel peaceful talking with them or seeing them around and Smile..?!
and tell Us One Attitude u would like to change? like making a big deal out of things or gettng angry if u waited for 5 minutes for others..anything..?
and have u ever changed any of ur attitudes before..?! What and how did u manage to do so ; ) ?
Yalla share...
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