Sometimes I wonder and say...what if the Salient thoughts in our head were Heard?...
imagine ur talking with a friend..or a stranger..and suddenly u think saliently.." She looks like a CloOwn with that make Up..!!" or "I just can't stand his attitude..!!" or maybe even some thing good but u don't want that person to hear like.. "I think he likes me..!" OR "why is this woman sooo lOOking at me..i am sure she wants me for her son :D..!" what if those secret words were heard..this secret world..this secret Door was OpeneD to the public with no control..?
ScaaaRrRyy...!Thank God ..people can't Hear my SecrEt woOrdS and Read My MinD..Whether GOod or BaD :D
Other times..i wish some pEople can Read my mind..without would be much easier..
I Like It When... :
!) When People make Du2aa for you and let u know they did
!) When people dream of you
!) When they remmeber the things u love the most
!) When they miss you..and tell u and want to HanG out with you
!) When they surprise you with a present..a rose..a note.. a letter ...a simple gesture of their care..appreciation
!) When Babies like you and smile at yoU...
!) When you are around people..talking..laughinG.. and u forget ur sadneSs..ProblemSs
!) When you make someone HapPy
!)When you know you made a PoSiTiVe Difference in SOome One's Life or people say..they Learned something from you..or u have ChangeD their lives..
!) When PeoplE say They LoOve YoU
!) When your parents are proud of you
!) When you meet a new..nice person..FrienD
!) When you Read Quran and You Enjoy it..feel the wOords..the meanings..
!) When it Rains
!) When you Eat Chocolate..Yum yum yuMMYyyy ^_____^
!) When ur with YouR FamilY
!) When u see or talk to someone u haven't seen from along time ago..
!) When ur going out of ur HoOme and ur parents make du2aa infront of you.
!) When very small Babies do like this with their lips :( and want to cry looool..sooo cuuuute..!!
!) When I see ChubbY Baby cheeks & StretcH it :D
!) When people put garbage in the Dustbin not on the floor
!)When people tell you ur mistakes or something because they really care and want you to become better..
!) When you give Charity
!) When you sleep and u know you don't have any debT..or u haven't hurt any one..or lied..or skipPed one of the prayers..or did something wrong..u sleep with a Restfull HearT & MinD
RandOom Thought I wished To share : )
What about you..
You like It When....?What?
لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله : )
i love what you love!
plus, i love reading your posts <3
Sooo SweeeeT of you ^__^..really u made me Soo HapPy
I love such Beautiful comments like urs that I feel is soo HonesT and from the HearT..Thank you ; )
EnjoYyy the Weekend
I second what Sadoya said!
PLUS, I reaaalllly love it when it rains.
and when it snows.
oh, I want to wake up tomorrow at the sound of rain>
aaaaah i love ur post waaayd
I love them all
But reading minds is a scary thing I wouldn’t want anyone to know what am thinking,, but sometimes when u find it hard to express to someone you wish they can read ur mind ,,, if they only did at that moment that would be the first in the list of what i luv :)
Ahleen BooOky..
ThankS Dear...yeaah me too.. I LoOVe when it rains...But i have never seen snow in real!!
Ensha Allah it rains soon ^_^
Hey ExtravagaTe..
Glad u liked it : )
and ur soo righ about reading the mind..its a private's Difficult to AlloW anyone in :D unleSs in certain situations when ur salient and u rather People read u without WOOrdS
ThankS for ur comment..and NiCe to See a NeW Name ArounD... ^__^
hey Extravagate..its u NT..loool..i wodnered what HapPened cuz i couldn't view ur Blog
: )
i like it when people hug me ..
i like it when i see sincerity in people's eyes ..
i like having discussions with people who oppose my opinion..
i like it when my dady yla3wezni ..
i like it when people accually smile back at me when i smile to them ..
ok i won't stop =p..
btw i always say things that i'm thinking of without knowing .. soo people always know what im thinking of =p lool no secrets here ! =p
Very rich and interesting articles, good BLOG!
Good article, good things, good feelings, good BLOG!
Saftey Net
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