Al Salam Alikom
I am BAAACK from Singapoooooooooore ^_^
emmmmm...SOoo many thingS to say..dunno where to start..i liked was nice..very greenish..very clean..Besautiful Big Trees and nature.. and very crowded where we stayed..but the wehther was very humid..which made it feel hot..although it rained on monday but still hot..mmmmmm what else..the most Interesting place we went to was SenToSaa...we played cars or sliders there lool..i wish i could post the pic :D we look funny..
and we used the was sooooooooooo sCAry loool..if u could see our faces..even my brothers were scared cuz it was kinda high and not covered..nice experience tho : )
oooooh...guess what..we saw a doliphine show out there too...SOooo cool..really..three cute grey pinkish dolphines waving their hands...jumPing Up and doWn...soo Friendly..I Love Dolphines ^___^cute..sub7an Allah..
then we saw a singing was singing very BeauTifully and in a fUnNy way..i recorded it by my mobile phone but its not that clear...the bird was singing something like
"Singapoooooooooooooraaaa..singapOOOooooooora.."something" flowers for you and me..i can't remmeber..and it sang the singapoooooooora part like opera loool :D sooo funNY and the guy said the bird i can't remember what they calle this type of bird!!..has the mind of a 3 years old kid..!!
I was sad today tho..cuz when ur traveling..ur in a dream Luxurious world..and now we r back to reality : ( but heeeeeeeey el7amdu Allah for everything..we had Fun ^________^
when ur in a foreign country..u really can't feel Eid..maybe unless if ur living there for a long time..still not the same..but it was a different experience..a weird one .. we ate launch on Eid with my family and my Couzin's Son who is studying there.. then we went walking under the rain to the flower park..i liked was BeauTiful..but we didn't see all of it....cuz it was raining and my brothers wanted to leave..we got wet..but i love walking under the rain..hmmmm..ooooooooooh did i mentioned that the whole family went to something called:
" Fish Massage"
looooool..seriously..i didn't go..altho i would like to try one day :D but its fish i think from Turkey..small ones and u put ur feet into a small pool and the fish eat the dead skin of ur feet tickles, my brother says..Creative ..isn`t it ; )? even Hamoody and My other nephew tried it :D..u should try it ! over all ..its a nice place the begining i felt the people were not that friendly..but it really depends..cuz some were very smiley and i can't generelize..u can also see women wearing scarf but the majority are non-Muslims...the thing that bothered me the most is that maaaaaaany of women there wear very short clothes..maaaaany of them..
so maybe we should walk with closed eyes :D hehe..anyways..u can also find indians..mosques..centers..ZoO..Science Centre which was preTtY cool..Bird park..oooooooh and penguinS...i looooooove them soooooo 3-5 days are preTty much enough to see the important places..not more than one week for sure..unless u go to some islands near Singapore..
hey check this out..look at the middle has one wing from the female and the other (left)wing looks like the male's wing..Amazing...Sub7an allah ^_^
الله ما أمسى بي من نعمة أو بأحد من خلقك فمنك وحدك لا شريك لك فلك الحمد ولك الشكر
alllllllaaaaah singapooor i wanna go there
so what is it like bisexual?!;p
but is it really really reaaal?!
glad you're back, safe and sound!
you were missed!
mashallah! seems like you guys had fun!!!
lool it real?
well i think so :D
it's interesting..!! Sub7an Allah : )
Ahleen Sadia
Love to see ur name in my comment Box ^_^
ThankS Dear..and yeah it was Fun :D Elhamdu Allah
Hope u EnJoYeD ur Eid ; )
Hi Spring,
I canceled my trip, but it was Kheir Alhemdule ALLAH!
Singapore must be so beautiful as you said! ;)
hey ocean..
well..Everything Happens for a reason.. :)
oooh, welcome back sweetie, el7mdilla 3ala elsalameh.
Seems like you had a great time mashAlla, glad to hear that;)
LOL I read about the fish massage somewhere, why didnt you do it? I bet it tickles, lol. hey, do their feet smell fishy later on? lol
Hey BOoKyy
ThankS Dear ^_^ Allah yesalemch
Loooool..i didn't smell their feet :P maybe if u will pay me 5000dirhams i might?!! :D
but i didn't try it cuz u have to raise ur clothes a lil bit to ur knee and then put ur feet in the i was afraid other men would see me..and also when i saw one of my brother's face the moment he put his feet..i said noooooooo was tickling him :D
Hey Ocean:
WooOWWWWWW..i love when people use the things i say:D...ThaaanKs
its like the word "Chinko Minko" that i even some of my friends say it...
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